Below you find a list of the courses I’ve taught, on-site, online and hybrid. If you are interested, you can contact me for sample syllabi and descriptions:
Hannah Arendt: Vita activa (Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition)
Privatheit im digitalen Zeitalter – Privacy by Design aus einer ethischen Perspektive (Privacy in the digital age – Privacy by Design from an ethical perspective)
Ethik für Informatiker_innen (Ethics for Computer Scientists)
Hans Jonas‘ Prinzip Verantwortung (Hans Jonas: The Imperative of Responsibility)
Geschlecht und Erziehung (Gender and Education)
Isaiah Berlin: ‘Negative’ Freiheit? (Isaiah Berlin: ‘Negative’ Liberty?)
Politische Philosophie der Privatheit, (Political Philosophy of the Private)
Hannah Arendt: Über das Böse, (Hannah Arendt on Evil: Some Questions on Moral Philosophy)
Ethik in der Pflege, (Nursing Ethics)
Academic Writing and Academic Career
Exposéschreibwerkstatt (Proposal writing for a doctoral thesis)
Studieren und dann Promovieren? (Doing a PhD after Graduation?)
Academic writing in German for International Doctoral Students
Teaching assistance in Romance linguistics
High School level
Französisch (French)
KI-Ethik (Workshop) (AI Ethics)