
I am the project manager of the philosophical subproject of the AI NRW flagship project “Certified AI” at the Center for Science and Thought, University of Bonn. Before, I worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Digital Ethics (IDE) at Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart where I have been working on a project on the ethics of autonomus cars and at the European Network of Research Ethics Committees – EUREC Office, working on the projects PANELFIT and ETHNA System .
I am also a voluntary scientific collaborator at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). I teach ethics for computer scientists at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute and at DHBW Karlsruhe.


11 & 12 July 2024: I am organizing the workshop “Leave no one behind: who is affected by current AI development, governance, standardization and regulation processes? University of Bonn and online, together with Nicholas Kluge Corrêa

Out now: “Das Recht des Kindes auf Achtung seiner Privatsphäre”

08/05/2024 Panel discussion: “AI, Identity and Transformation” with artist ChrisW et al., (live streamed)

Talk “The Human Behind Human-centered AI” at the Jülich Speaker Series in the Philosophy of Technology Phil.Tech.Talks March 15th

Lecture 19/12/2023 Menschenzentrierte KI-Ethik, Ringvorlesung “Einführung in die Philosophie”, University of Bonn, Germany

Panel discussion (live streamed): 7/12/2023 “Erzählende Maschinen und ihre Schattenseiten” Panel with Philipp Hacker and Sylvia Rothe, medien impuls, Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen (fsf) Berlin

7/11/2023 Deutsch-französische Zukunftswerkstatt “Kann man Künstlicher Intelligenz vertrauen? Peut-on faire confiance à l’intelligence artificielle?” by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Institut français Bonn and the Centre Ernst Robert Curtius of the University of Bonn (online)

22 & 23 June 2023: Conference AI, Human Values and Meaningful Human Control Center for Science and Thought, Universität Bonn

Out now: interdisciplinary article in AI and Ethics Standardizing fairness-evaluation procedures: interdisciplinary insights on machine learning algorithms in creditworthiness assessments for small personal loans

On September 15 and 16 2022 I am organizing the Symposium “Rethinking Privacy after this Pandemic” at the University of Bonn (you are welcome to join online)

Out now: peer-reviewed article by Sergio Genovesi and me, in the special issue of Sustainability Towards the Sustainability of AI; Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Investigate the Hidden Costs of AI edited by Aimee van Wynsberghe, Tijs Vandemeulebroucke and Marc A. Rosen

27/10/21: Talk at the Online-Tagung “Zertifizierung und der KI-Verordnungsentwurf der Europäischen Kommission Chancen, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven” with Sergio Genovesi

Out Now: ETHNA System guide . Mapping stakeholders and scoping involvement – a guide for HEFRCs. Deliverable 3.1 of the Horizon2020-Project ETHNA System (with Lisa Häberlein and Philipp Hövel).

Talk at the Sustainable AI conference by Sergio Genovesi and me on Thursday, 17th June: “Certifying Sustainable AI in the framework of the AI.NRW flagship project”

I’ve been quoted on behavioral advertising by EDJNet: Google and Facebook dominate behavioural advertising, even with the cookie crumbling

Expert-Interview with me by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (in German) : „Es gibt kein: einmal ethisch, immer ethisch“